What is Fuller Gold?
"Fuller Gold" is what the Fuller Brush Company calls its compensation plan for Independent Distributors. If you compare this plan to others in the industry, you'll find it's simply the best. There is no confusing "point" system, no mandatory orders, no recruiting requirements - in fact, you are never under any obligation whatsoever.
If you are an active distributor and you sell product, you make money. If you are an active distributor who sponsors other distributors who sell product, you make more money.
There are three ways to make money in your new Fuller Brush business. The three profit centers of Fuller Gold are: Retail, Fuller Direct, and Networking.
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Retail: Earn 20 - 55% Profit Through Retailing
Few companies in America have the name recognition and product satisfaction guarantee the Fuller Brush Company has. Fuller Brush sells quality products that every home needs and wants. Even people who don't like selling are finding it easy to collect Fuller Brush orders. Independent Distributors can purchase products directly from the company at wholesale prices by mail or toll free telephone. There are no minimum or maximum quotas. Fuller has a very generous commission structure, so you can make an excellent income just retailing. However, we recommend that you take advantage of all three profit centers.
Fuller Direct: It's Your Own Mail Order Business
There are very few, if any, networking companies out there today that offer such a complete mail order program. Fuller Direct is a program designed to help the distributor who wants to build his or her business from their home. Fuller has the name recognition to get people to look at your catalog and order from it. And, your customers can deal directly with The Fuller Brush Company. You place your ID number on the catalogs and your customer orders direct from Fuller by mail, toll free telephone, even over the Internet. Fuller ships the products directly to your customer, and credits you with the retail profit. (Checks are mailed out monthly.) Fuller provides full color catalogs and monthly sales brochures at nominal cost to you (see your monthly purchase order for current prices and specials). Same commission as regular retail sales. A terrific way to make extra money.
Network Marketing: Sharing An Opportunity
If you help enough people get what they want, you will get what you want at the same time. Networking is simply word of mouth advertising. If you sponsor other distributors for the company, Fuller will pay you, based on their personal volume, and their distributors' volume, as long as you are an active distributor yourself (personal volume of at least $35 monthly). If you sponsor three people who do the same, by the fourth level, you will have 120 distributors on whom you will receive a commission, based on their total sales. Their volume will also push you to a higher commission level on your own sales. If you have built your business to the 44% level, and you have a distributor at the 24% level, you earn 20% commission on all his or her sales. Networking duplicates your time and money.

Stairway to Success
There are three levels on Fuller's Stairway to Success: Sales Associate, Manager, and Director
Sales Associate:
- Everyone starts as a Sales Associate
- Earn 20% commission on your first $200 in PV (Personal Volume). Personal volume includes retail items you buy for your own use, or for retail sale to your customers, as well as all retail sales made using the Fuller Direct mail order program to customers who have ordered with your ID number.
- Earn 22% commission on your next $200 in PV
- Earn 24% commission on your next $200 in PV
- Once you reach a total of $600 in PGV (no time limit), you advance to Manager. PGV includes not only your own PV, but the total of all retail sales by your downline distributors as well.
- Managers enjoy a locked-in, minimum 26% commission level
- Actual commission level is determined by the total of Personal Group Volume (PGV) each month.
- Commissions range from 26% to 46%.
- Sales made by other distributors you sponsor are added to your own personal sales. The total of sales by you and your downline determines your commission level and over-ride percentage.
- Example: You personally sell $200 in product. That would give you a 32% commission level. But if you had two distributors under you, who also sell $200 each, that brings your PGV to $600, and you now enjoy a 41% commission. Plus, you get over-rides on the difference between your commission level and your distributor's commission level.
- Directors enjoy a locked-in, minimum 41% commission level.
- Actual commission level is determined by the total of PGV each month.
- Commissions range from 41% to 55%.
- Sales made by other distributors you sponsor are added to your own personal sales. The total of sales by you and your downline determines your commission level and over-ride percentage.
- Example: You personally sell $1000 in product. That would give you a 45% commission level. But if you have 15 distributors under you, who sell $200 each, that brings your PGV to $4000, and you now enjoy a 50% commission. Plus, you get over-rides on the difference between your commission level and your distributor's commission level.
Earning Potential
As you can see, the earning potential is unlimited. You develop your own customer list, and build you own personal sales as your business grows. Build your downline as wide and deep as you like. The more you duplicate yourself, and the more your personal group sales increase, the higher your commissions and profits go. You truly are limited only by your own enthusiasm and willingness to work for yourself.
Although it should go without saying, if you do not sell any products, you do not make any money. Even if you sponsor many new distributors, if you do not personally sell products, you are not entitled to override commissions on your downline sales. You will profit from your own Fuller Brush business, as with any other aspect of life, in proportion to the time and effort you put into it.
Everything is Optional
The beauty of Fuller Brush is that, unlike most other network marketing companies, everything is optional. You don't have to buy anything. You don't have to sell anything. You don't have to sponsor new distributors. You can simply do what you want, when you want. Of course, it goes without saying that if you don't sell anything, you don't make any money. But the point is, you are under no obligation. Buy, sell and sponsor only when and if you want to.
But if you take your business seriously, and give it the same effort and commitment you give your employer, you will soon find yourself the proud owner of a home business that could give you and your family the financial freedom you have always dreamed about.
Note: You receive no compensation for simply sponsoring other dealers. You earn over-ride commissions on your downline distributor sales, but only if your own account is active. An active distributor is one who generates personal sales of at least $35 monthly. How does Fuller stack up against other Network Marketing Companies?
A new distributor from Florida writes:
"I have realized, after making a list of companies that I have 'joined' in the last 5 years (I'm embarrassed to even say how many) that I've made more in 3 months with Fuller Brush than all the others put together doubled!"
Fuller Brush has the name recognition, and the reputation for quality and integrity, that will open doors that would otherwise be closed. People KNOW who we are, they KNOW what we sell, and they KNOW our products are top quality. You won't find yourself begging people to look at a Fuller Brush catalog. They'll gladly browse your catalog.
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